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  • Hogan Burleigh

Ep. 10 The Bone Houses by Emily Lloyd-Jones

Deep in the woods once inhabited by a Fae king, there lies a powerful black cauldron spoken of only in legend.

The stories say that the cauldron lies discarded and forgotten amidst the abandoned halls of the king's ruined castle. It is split open by a crack along its magic-imbued iron. And on that fateful day when the cauldron fell and broke apart, a horrible curse spilled out from its depths.

It covered the forest in a haunting, inexplicable magic that unleashed a growing terror upon the the land.

For now, instead of the magical Fae of legend, the woods are inhabited by the listless, wandering corpses of the risen dead...called the bone houses.

Happy Thursday, everyone!

In today's episode of Pages and Pours, we are discussing The Bone Houses by Emily Lloyd-Jones, as well as giving some tips on finding the best coffee grinder for your home brewing! The first twenty or so minutes of our episode is full of great info from Ben on different types of grinders and their uses.

The novel we chose for today was a really interesting read! I loved the Welsh undertones in the names and legends, and the unique twist on zombies had a great mix of fantasy and mild horror. This read is not as much scary as it is emotional and thought provoking. I definitely recommend it to those wanting a fresh perspective on YA fantasy!

Listen HERE.

As always, happy reading and cheers!


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